Warehouse Inspection of Flexural Torsion

So I’m going to show you another brief video that shows you how when you’ve got uneven loading or maybe misplaced beams you’re going to start to get torsion on those roll forms particularly. The roll form type of racking is going to start to buckle and twist it out of its true strength which is vertical vector strength into horizontal strength vectoring.

beam torsion column failure warehouse collapse

Let’s see in this next video how a beam turns from vertical to horizontal strength. What you see in this video is a beam that usually gives great strength in one direction but once it starts to get a little bit twisted the design of the beam starts to fail structurally because it’s no longer being supported by the design in the engineering of what a beam or what a racking column is designed to do.

You can see how the horizontal forces on beams can start to cause failure. That’s exactly what happens in a lot of racking systems. In a lot of structural engineering systems, the beams get horizontal forces that they were never designed to support and this looks a lot like what could happen to a column.

ruler bend beam torsion warehouse collapse

If horizontal forces like uneven loading and certain types of twists lack lateral supports like struts and things it can cause the beam to go off its center line and have torsion distortions that will cause the column to lose its strength due to various forces that we’re seeing here on the screen.

So just like you can bend the ruler in this direction but you can’t bend it in the other direction that’s exactly what’s happening to your columns. It’s being bent in a direction that it wasn’t designed to handle. You’ll start to see kinks and deformations within your column system.

So this needs to be checked for and it needs to be prevented by following all the other engineering principles that we’ve been examining so far. This is another priming issue that is often overlooked.

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